Oct 07, 2023

Which Car Seats are compatible with UPPAbaby? | Babies nz

Which Car Seats are compatible with UPPAbaby Cruz or UPPAbaby Vista?

It’s easy to turn your UPPAbaby Vista or UPPAbaby Cruz into a travel system by attaching a car seat into your stroller, if your baby falls asleep in the car or if you are out running errands, you can simply take the car seat out of your vehicle and click it onto your stroller directly with the use of adapters.

In this post, we'll explain which Maxi-Cosi Capsules are compatible with the adapters, so that you can attach your car seat to the UPPAbaby Cruz or UPPAbaby VISTA.

With the purchase of the Maxi-Cosi adapters, you can also use car seats from several other brands on your Cruz or VISTA stroller.

The UPPAbaby VISTA from model years 2015-present is also compatible with these infant car seats (not sold at

  • UPPAbaby MESA 
  • Chicco KeyFit, KeyFit30 and Fit2
  • Clek Liing
  • Cybex Aton and Cloud Q series
  • Nuna PIPA, PIPA Lite and PIPA Lite LX (with ring adapter by Nuna or post adapters by UPPAbaby)
  • Peg-Perego Primo Viaggio 4-35 and 4-35 Nido (with adapters)

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